COVID-19 updates, resources, and more
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COVID-19 Resources
As COVID-19 has spread across our Section, state, nation and world, much has occurred over the past two weeks that has directly affected not only the Philadelphia PGA Section, but you, our PGA Members and Associates. The Section is here to help provide you with as much updated and accurate information as possible to help you and your facilities navigate this difficult period of our history. For your convenience, various resources and information on the COVID-19 pandemic are included in this edition of the Section newsletter. Additionally, as important news continues to break and new governmental orders and guidance are issued, the Section will continue to send dedicated emails to your inbox.
As a reminder, the Philadelphia PGA Section and the PGA of America has complied the most up-to-date information relating to the coronavirus outbreak on our respective websites for your convenience:
CARES Act: Assistance for Clubs From the Desk of John Easterbrook, PGA of America Chief Membership Officer
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was signed into law on Friday, March 27. This is the third measure to address the impact of COVID-19. Within the bill, 27 of 29 501(c) organizations were excluded from eligibility for Payroll Protection Loans from the Small Business Administration – including 501(c)(7) clubs. These loans of up to $10 million would enable clubs to help maintain operations (payroll, mortgage, rent, utilities, and certain debt payments).
We encourage you to join others in the industry by contacting your state Senators and Representatives through CMAA’s grassroots network. Share the impact of COVID-19 on your facility and employees within their district and how you would benefit from assistance at this time via Club Industry Votes. To date, more than 2,800 letters have been sent to the Hill. Below are elements we suggest you include in a handwritten or typed letter:
- Thank you for your extraordinary work to address the health and economic impact of COVID-19 on our country.
- We urge you to strongly consider an expansion of these efforts by including 501(c)(7) employees in the next round of relief.
- Excluding 501(c)(7) clubs has sent most of the 4,500 operations into a financial crisis.
- Clubs employ more than 500,000 American taxpayers who are being furloughed or laid off.
- The golf industry is an $84 billion industry, and 2 million citizens directly or indirectly earn their living through our sport.
- Golf is a charitable engine that annually contributes $4 billion to local, state and national charities with 501(c)(7) clubs being a huge driver.
- Our Clubs face the same challenges as any small business and our employees should not be forced to suffer due to IRS classification.
- Despite tax-exempt status, 501(c)(7) clubs pay federal, state and local taxes on revenue from non-members and pay hundreds of millions in property tax.
- Without relief like the Paycheck Protection Program, this crisis will have a long-lasting effect on the viability of many clubs and the income of a half million Americans.
- Please consider including 501(c)(7) organizations in upcoming relief packages.
There is some good news, as Clubs can take advantage of two tax credits in CARES, the Employee Retention Tax Credit and Payroll Tax Credit. To take advantage of these tax credits, access the IRS guidance, FAQs, and utilize Form 7200.
Clubs can also use the credits for paid and sick leave as mandated in HR2401, the Families First Act. Make sure to share the required DOL Required Poster for FFCRA Paid and Sick Leave with your team. Access guidance on how to take advantage of these credits.
Paycheck Protection Program: A-6 and A-14 PGA Classifications
Beginning on April 10, independent contractors and self-employed individuals, such as our
-14 classifications, may apply for and receive loans to cover payroll and other expenses through existing Small Business Administration (SBA) lenders. Your bank may be a
SBA lender and it, along with your accountant, may be able to assist with the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). To learn more,
click here to view a PPP fact sheet for borrowers. Additionally, this
video may also be helpful.
Free Access to PGA Specialized Professional Program
The PGA of America recently announced that through June 30, 2020, you may access the Specialized Professional Program (full content library) free of charge. If you previously enrolled in this program, library subscriptions are extended by 90 days to accommodate this free period. For access instructions, click the below button.
Complete PGA.Coach Training
While quarantined, please consider taking the time to complete the virtual PGA.Coach training (which takes two to three hours). PGA.Coach is the ultimate coaching resource that teaches PGA Professionals about ADM, and how to apply the concepts to coaching golf. ADM is essential for growing the sport and vital to you and your employer’s success. Plus, PGA Members will be eligible to earn three MSR credits. To get started with PGA.Coach, click the below button.
Section Webinar Series
The Philadelphia PGA Section, in coordination with our Education Committee, has organized several webinars during the COVID-19 quarantine, including the following, which are still open for registration:
- Ground Forces in Three Dimensions - Mon., April 13, 3 p.m.
with Eric Handley, PGA; Daniel Merrell, PGA; and Samuel Masters
- Rules of Golf: Rules 11 and 12 - Tues., April 14, 9 a.m.
with Jeff Kiddie, PGA
- Rules of Golf: Rule 14 - Thurs., April 16, 9 a.m.
with Alice Miller, PGA
- Rules of Golf: Rules 15 and 16 - Tues., April 21, 9 a.m.
with Tom Carpus, PGA
- Rules of Golf: Rule 17, 18 and 19 - Thurs., April 21, 9 a.m.
with Clark Luis, PGA
The Section is actively planning to add more webinar to this series, so please keep an eye on your inbox for future announcements.
If you missed any of the previously held webinars, or wish to revisit the information, they are all archived on our Section website, which can be accessed by clicking on the below button. Archived webinars include: How to Succeed in Times of Crisis with Will Robins, PGA; Employment / Families First / CARES Act with Attorney Peter Rosenzweig; How to Help Anyone Play Better Golf with John Dunigan, PGA; Rules of Golf: Rules 6, 7, 8 and 9; and FitGolf.
Inspiration from 2019 Section Golf Professional of the Year John Carpineta
Our 2019 Golf Professional of the Year, John Carpineta, typically provides an invocation prior to the start of our semiannual Section Membership Meetings. Because our Spring Meeting was cancelled in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Johnny C has provided his prepared invocation as a little inspiration during this difficult time:
Heavenly father, traditionally each spring and fall we, your PGA Professionals, gather under one roof with you as our celebrant. During both seasons we meet in reunion to celebrate each other, to plan the coming season while again thanking you for your blessings bestowed on our members and families.
May your hands "REACH" down to join with the hands on our PGA REACH logo as they "REACH" up, thus insuring continued success to all our programs and to those who administer them!
Today however is somewhat different in that we again arrive with one spirit while physically remaining locked down under many roofs in the shelter of our homes. May we now once again (ask you, as you look after our organization) to add a special request today; as we find ourselves in the midst of the dreaded pandemic, may we call upon your mercy and healing power to heal the wounds now engulfing our nation and the entire planet.
Scripture reminds us that it is not by bread alone that man lives but on every word that comes from the mouth of god, with this in mind let us now recall with wonder the times when this healing power was revealed, and also times when the crippled and lame were again able to walk, when the blind then could see, when lepers were cleansed; let us now have the same faith displayed by the Roman captain as he beseech you to heal his ill servant.
These miracles were not only accomplished in biblical days but also in modern times recalling 1952 when you sent Dr. Edward Jenner with the cure for smallpox, and shortly afterwards Dr. Jonas Salk with the vaccine curing polio. We pray now you'll anoint and send another disciple with a cure for COVID-19.
Give strength to all in our medical profession to carry on this work along with those in our military still protecting our shores! For father you are our refuge, our rock in whom we trust, raise us then on eagles wings as we again praise your holy name...amen.
Membership Update
Please see below for the Section’s membership updates as of March 20. New facility or Section affiliations are listed immediately following the PGA Professional’s name, while prior affiliations are listed in parentheses. * denotes new PGA Professionals the Section; † denotes new PGA Associates to the Section; ‡ denotes changes within the same facility.
A-1: Robert Clark, Riverview C.C.; (Timberlin G.C.)*
A-8: Keith Clawson, Merion G.C.; (Bidermann C.C.)
Elections: Sam Harmon
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