
Below you will find employment information for PGA Professionals, as well as resources for employers. For more information, please contact: Section Executive Director Geoffrey Surrette, PGA, at gsurrette@pgahq.com or (215) 399-7872; PGA Regional Director Joseph Doughty, PGA, at jdoughty@pgahq.com or (551) 815-2683; or PGA Career Services Recruiting Specialist Leila Mackie, PGA, at leilam@pgahq.com or (704) 689-3136.

PGA Professional Resources  
Make Golf Your CareerMake Golf Your Thing is a collaborative effort across the golf industry committed to making the sport more diverse, equitable and inclusive. This multi-faceted, multi-year movement is actively seeking individuals, organizations and businesses from all backgrounds, identities and abilities, to pick up the game, pursue a career in golf or promote their business within the industry.Click here
Become a PGA ProfessionalLearn how to earn your PGA Membership.Click here
PGA Job FinderSearch open job opportunities in the Philadelphia PGA Section and beyondClick here
PGA Career ServicesPGA Career Services offers tools and resources to assist PGA Professionals with their employment and career development.Click here
PGA Members: Set Your Job PreferencesSaving your job preferences will allow the PGA to provide you with a targeted list of positions and career advancement services as you become more active in your search. Click here
Build Your CareerKey ways golf industry professionals can build their careers using PGA Career ServicesClick here
Career Seeker's ToolkitThe PGA Career Fitness Manual is a wonderful tool for PGA members or apprentices seeking a map to chart the course to securing their dream job. You must proactively cre­ate a plan and be prepared in advance to succeed in your current job, face the challenges associated with a golf industry career, and take advantage of a new opportunity when it arises.Click here

PGA Employer Resourses 
Benefits of Hiring a PGA ProfessionalMore Information
Power of a the PGA ProfessionalMore Information
CareerLinks ProcessMore Information
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CareerLinks FAQMore Information
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