
Message from President John Rogers

As everyone has experienced, this season had an exuberant amount of rain which delayed, postponed, or cancelled many club events throughout the Section. One report indicated that during a stretch of 100 days, there were 51 days with some sort of measurable precipitation. As we all know, those days are lost forever and not recoverable moving into the Fall.As the summer of 2018 comes to an end shortly, I wanted to share some thoughts from, “A Message from the President”.

The Section would like to extend a special thanks to all of the Professionals who conducted a Pro-Am or event making our tournament schedule a success. Additionally, a congratulation to all winners and participants for those events. A special congrats is given to Dave McNabb for capturing the Philadelphia Senior PGA Professional Championship as well as Zachary Kempa for his Philadelphia Assistant PGA Professional Championship win. McNabb and Kempa will lead a strong contingent of Philadelphia PGA qualifiers to their respective National Championships later this year.s. Full President’s Message

Message from Past President – Harry Hammond

I am going to highlight some names of former Philadelphia Section professionals who I greatly respected as I began my career in golf. Let’s see how many you recognize?

William Palumbo, Terl Johnson, John Long, Joe Aneda, Chet Munson, Al Nelson, are some of many who had a huge influence on me as a young man breaking into the golf business. The names mentioned here where either my employer/mentor (William Palumbo) or area professionals who I credited with something important in adding to my growth in our golf industry.

Almost all of these gentlemen have passed, but they where respected PGA Golf professionals at clubs such as Kennett Square, DuPont, DuPont/LLoviers, Newark, Radley Run and Whitford. Full Hammond Message / College Coaching for PGA

Message from Past President – George McNamara

Many thanks to President Rogers for the opportunity to share some of my observations and experiences. Next year will mark my 50th year as a PGA Member, it’s amazing how quickly time goes by and how much more there is to learn.   I have watched the Section as well as the National PGA grow. They are both financially secure providing many programs to its Members.

Golf is an extraordinary game and always will be. Our Industry has NOT shown growth for many years. Few new courses are being built and many all over the world are closing. Our jobs, with few exceptions, appear to me to be financially the same as they were 20 years ago. Full McNamara Message